Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Smores Cookies

WOW! These are so good!! I’ve been wanting to make these since I first started research recipes for my blog but they needed Graham Crackers which aren’t easily available over here. The closest thing is apparently digestives but they are nothing like them. However, my lovely friend Louise is currently studying at Yale (amazing!) and she kindly brought me some on her recent visit home! So here we go, Smores Cookies. De-lish!
I found the recipe on Obsessed with Baking’s blog who found it from someone else but regardless, they are very American and very tasty! The cookie dough is some of the most delicious I’ve ever tasted. To give you a hint as to just how tasty, the recipe is supposed to make 36. I made 29. I’ve also been told that the “sensation of marshmallow and tasty chocolate in and on a melt in your mouth cookie” are more than anyone could ask for. Now that, if you ask me, is praise indeed for this amazing cookie.
As with another great cookie recipe I made, this requires chilling time for the dough to become more solid so make sure you leave yourself plenty of time! The oven part is pretty short but make sure you have your chocolate cut and mallows ready to go in as quick as possible! Don’t push the mallows in too far or else they’ll make a hole in the cookie as they aren’t strong enough to hold it together. The original recipe uses Hershey’s chocolate but I just cut up some of the thin dairy milk bars. If the chocolate you use is quite thick it won’t melt very well.
Overall, I think these are great, not too sweet but deliciously indulgent at the same time. Definitely one to be made again and certainly one you should try if you can get hold of some Graham Crackers!!

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