Sunday, 15 April 2012

Chocolate Orange Cupcakes

I’ve wanted to make these for a long time now. I came across a packet of orange flavoured buttons in the baking section at the supermarket and they inspired me to make chocolate orange cupcakes. That was during lent, however, so chocolate was off limits but I’ve finally got round to it now! This is the first time I’ve properly adapted recipes myself and not followed someone else’s tried and tested method so luckily it turned out well and I’m pleased with how they look too.
For the main part of the cake I used my basic vanilla cupcake recipe but took out some flour and replaced it with cocoa powder and added some orange extract. Lots of recipes use zests and juices of oranges which I must admit I feel is a lot of work when you can buy it in a bottle. Maybe, I’m lazy yes but! it still tastes lovely. I didn’t put any orange in the icing as the orange buttons are very orangey and I didn’t want to take it too far.
For the icing I wasn’t sure how adding melted chocolate would affect my buttercream so I didn’t add any milk to start but it was too dry without it so I ended up adding the usual amount of milk by the end anyway! One thing I will say about using melted chocolate and piping icing is make sure there are no hard bits in the chocolate as it will block up the nozzle in patches making the icing come out strangely.

To carry on the chocolate orange theme I used orange coloured muffin cases to make them look pretty! The ones I used are from John Lewis and I love them because they really hold their colour. Lots of ones I’ve used in the past go a bit see through and start looking like the cake behind them but these are great and they come in so many different colours. I also got these lovely tins for an Easter present from my mum and dad to keep all my baking goodies in!

Here is my recipe:

For the sponge:
200g caster sugar
200g unsalted butter or margarine
170g self raising flour
5 tbsp cocoa powder
4 eggs
1tsp vanilla extract
1 and a ½  tsp orange extract

Put all the ingredients in one big bowl but make sure you sift the flour and cocoa into the bowl. Mix the ingredients with a food mixer starting off on a low speed to combine roughly [or the flour will spray everywhere, believe me] then on a higher speed to make a smooth batter

Once its all mixed together divide between your cupcake or muffin case and bake in the oven for 20 minutes until cooked through [test with a cocktail stick if unsure, if it comes out clean, you’re all set]

Leave to cool for around 15-20minutes before you decorate them

For the icing:
250g icing sugar
80g unsalted butter or margarine
25ml milk
85g melted good quality dark chocolate

Mix up the icing sugar, butter and milk until you have a normal consistency buttercream. Add the melted chocolate, make sure it’s cool-ish first and mix in thoroughly

Transfer into an icing bag and use a star nozzle for swirls like in my pictures and then decorate orangely!

Always remember to Lick Your Spoon

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